3rd March 2022

JWT authentication in NodeJs

Build React Application

What is JWT?

JSON Web Token is an open standard for securely transferring data within customer using a JSON object. JWT is used for stateless authentication mechanisms for druggies and providers, this means maintaining session is on the customer- side rather of storing sessions on the gacon.

In this tutorial we are going to add JWT as middleware to protect our API from UnAuthorized access.

Create a New Directory

Let's create a new directory named 'NodeWithJwt' and navigate to that Directory using the following commands

  mkdir NodeWithJwt 
  cd NodeWithJwt

After Creating the new Directory Use the Following Command to generate a new package.json file which will contain all the required meta data.

  npm init

Now to run the node application we need to install express framework which will help us to serve the application

  npm install express

Now lets add Express layer to our Nodejs application

Open the folder in text-editor of your choice. Here I've used Visual Studio Code.
And make a file in the directory root called index.js
In that file paste the following code which uses 'express' to serve the application in the port 6000

  const express = require('express');
  const app = express();
  const port = 6000;
  app.get('/get', (req, res) => { 
      res.send("Hello world");
  app.listen(port, () => {
      console.log('Server is running at port ${port}');

Now we will test our NodeJs application.
Use the following command in command prompt to run the application

  >node index.js

Next To use Jwt Token we need to install jsonwebtoken Module. Use this command to install it.

  >npm i jsonwebtoken

Next, add a new method called generateJwtToken to the index.js file. This method will generate our Jwt Token.

    let token = jwt.sign({ Username: 'Tech'}, 'YourSecretkey', {
        expiresIn: '10h'

Let's test this using Postman. It is evident to us that a JWT token is produced.


Next, we will use the JWT token to authorize our request. Let's add a method that requires a JWT token in the request first. The method will only be accessed if the JWT token is valid.

app.get('/getWithAuthorization',isAuthorized, (req, res) => {
    res.send("AUTHORIZED Hello world");

function isAuthorized(request, response, next) {
    if (typeof request.headers.authorization !== "undefined") {
        let token = request.headers.authorization.split("Bearer")[1].trim();
        jwt.verify(token, 'YourSecretkey', (err, user) => {
          if (err) {
                return response.status(401).json({ error: "Not Authorized" });
            return next();
    else {
        return response.status(401).json({ error: "Not Authorized" });

The above method will be hit only if a valid JWT token is sent.

If we remove the JWT token from the header then we will get 401 UnAuthorized error


Hence, we have added JWT in our application as middleware to protect our API from UnAuthorized access.

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